Shape of Memories
ERIC Chan / エリック・チャン
My parents are from Hong Kong, so since I was a child I visited many times when I was growing up. To me, Hong Kong was a city that was hot, had lots of people, was always crowded, old, dirty, cheap and had delicious food. Maybe even now I think that is so, but as I've grown up my image of Hong Kong has changed.
In 2008, I visited Hong Kong alone for the first time after my grandfather's funeral in 1999. A lot changes in 9 years. I graduated university was already working. Hong Kong also changed in many ways. Places that I knew before were gone. There were new buildings, new train lines and new shopping centres. Even with all these changes, there is always something old and traditional atmosphere about the city. I think that is one of the most attractive aspects of this city.
After coming to Japan in 2009, the distance to Hong Kong became much closer. I visited three times since then. Every time I visit, I understand a little bit more about Hong Kong, my family and where I come from. It's interesting to have this unique connection with Hong Kong, even though I've never lived there before.
I'm not a local, but I'm also not a tourist. I believe that this unique position gives me a different view of the city that locals and tourists don't usually notice or see.
This is the Hong Kong that I know.
2008年に、私は初めて一人で香港を訪れました。それは、1999年の祖父の葬式以来のことでした。9年の歳月は多くのことを変えていました。私も大学を卒業して、就職をしていました。香港もまた大きく変わっていました。 以前有った場所が無くなり、新しい建物、新しい路線、新しいショッピングセンターが出来ていました。それでも、街全体の大きな変化の中でさえ、古さと伝統的な雰囲気はいまだ残っています。それが香港の魅力の一部だと思います。

1983年 カナダ トロント生まれ
2008年 初めて日本を訪れてから写真に興味を持ち、スナップを主に撮影を始める。
2009年 再来日後、宮城県名取市に住み、仕事の傍ら写真作品をいくつかの企画展に出展
Sha-gaku vol.3 カロス・ギャラリー
LOVE FILM 写真展 -魔法のかけら- 富士フィルムフォトサロン仙台
Sha-gaku vol.4 カロス・ギャラリー
Photo Style vol. 1 カロス・ギャラリー